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Largest Publicly-Owned Companies
Headquartered in Los Angeles County

Ranked by Sales Revenue, 2024

Walt Disney Company, Disneyland

A Walt Disney Company product, Disneyland and the Disneyland parades. Los Angeles Almanac Photo.

Previous Years: 2021 | 2015 | 2011 | 2005 | 2001

Of the 57 publicly-owned companies headquartered in California in the 2024 Fortune 500 List, the seven listed below are headquarted in Los Angeles County. Total revenue for these companies in 2024 came to $195 billion and total market value (not including Farmers Insurance) was about $310 billion. Combined, they employed more than 278,000 people worldwide. The Walt Disney Company continues to be Los Angeles County's most valuable locally-based company with almost half the revenue value of all seven companies combined. Disney ranked 47th in the Fortune 500 list and sixth within California.

Edison International is the oldest public corporation headquartered in Los Angeles County. It traces its roots back to 1886.

Company Sales, 2024
Industry Employees Corporate HQ Year Founded
The Walt Disney Co. $88,898 Entertainment 205,000 Burbank 1923
Molina Healthcare, Inc. $34,072 Health Care 18,000 Long Beach 1980
Live Nation Entertainment, Inc. $22,749 Entertainment 23,000 Beverly Hills 2005
Edison International $16,338 Utilities 14,000 Rosemead 1886
Company Sales, 2024
Industry Employees Corporate HQ Year Founded
Farmers Insurance Exchange* $15,194 Insurance 23,000 Woodland Hills (Los Angeles) 1928
A-Mark Precious Metals, Inc. $9,287 Precious Metals 421 El Segundo 1965
Skechers U.S.A., Inc. $8,000 Apparel 13,000 Manhattan Beach 1992

* Parent company is Zurich Insurance Group.

Sources: Fortune Magazine and D&B Hoovers

IndyMac Bank, owned by parent IndyMac Bancorp of Pasadena, collapsed in July 2008, becoming the fourth largest bank failure in U.S. history and the second largest failure of a regulated thrift. IndyMac Bancorp filed for bankruptcy. OneWestBank formed in 2009 from the remains of the failed bank.