Family together in their kitchen. Photo by August de Richelieu at
In 2024, the Pew Research Center offered an updated income calculator, based upon 2022 data, to find where your income stands in the economic ladder. The Almanac ran the numbers for households of one to six persons in the Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim metropolitan area (L.A. and Orange Counties). The average household size in Los Angeles County is 2.89 persons (2022 Census estimate).
Persons in Household | Household Income | ||
Lower Income Tier | Middle Income Tier | Upper Income Tier | |
1 | Up to $39,961 | $39,962 to $110,885 | $110,886+ |
2 | Up to $52,271 | $52,272 to $156,815 | $156,816+ |
3 | Up to $64,019 | $64,020 to $192,059 | $192,060+ |
4 | Up to $73,923 | $73,924 to $221,770 | $221,771+ |
5 | Up to $82,649 | $82,650 to $247,947 | $247,948+ |
6 | Up to $90,537 | $90,538 to $271,612 | $271,613+ |
Source: Pew Research Center and inflation calculation from US Inflation Calculator.
According to the Pew Research Center, in the Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim metropolitan area, 31.8% of adults in 2022 were within the lower income tier, 49.5% were within the middle income tier, and 18.8% were within the upper income tier.
Also see: Median Income by Community in Los Angeles County.