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For most recent Census estimates, see: Racial/Ethnic Composition by City/Community in Los Angeles County.
Also see:
-- Historical Racial/Ethnic Numbers, Los Angeles County, 1850-1980 Census
-- Projected Population by Race/Ethnicity Through 2060 for Los Angeles County
-- Los Angeles County General Population, 1850-2020 Census
Of Los Angeles County's 88 incorporated cities, 35 have populations that are 50 percent or more Hispanic/Latino.
See Notes regarding "One Race Alone," "Two or More Races," and "Hispanic or Latino" at end of this page.
Population | 2020 Census | 2010 Census | 2000 Census | 1990 Census | ||||
Population | Percent | Population | Percent | Population | Percent | Population | Percent | |
Total Population (All Races) | 10,014,009 | 100.00% | 9,818,605 | 100.00% | 9,519,338 | 100.00% | 8,863,164 | 100.00% |
One Race Alone (1) | 8,525,941 | 85.14% | 9,379,892 | 95.53% | 9,049,557 | 95.06% | --- (1) | --- (1) |
American Indian & Alaskan Native (1) | 163,464 | 1.63% | 72,828 | 0.74% | 76,988 | 0.81% | 45,508 | 0.51% |
Asian (1) | 1,499,984 | 14.98% | 1,346,865 | 13.72% | 1,137,500 | 11.95% | 925,561 | 10.44% |
Black or African American (1) | 794,364 | 7.93% | 856,874 | 8.73% | 930,957 | 9.78% | 992,974 | 11.20% |
Population | 2020 Census | 2010 Census | 2000 Census | 1990 Census | ||||
Population | Percent | Population | Percent | Population | Percent | Population | Percent | |
Native Hawaiian & Other Pacific Islander (1) | 24,522 | 0.24% | 26,094 | 0.27% | 27,053 | 0.28% | 28,924 | 0.33% |
White (1) | 3,259,427 | 32.55% | 4,936,599 | 50.28% | 4,637,062 | 48.71% | 5,035103 | 56.81% |
Some Other Race (1) | 2,784,180 | 27.80% | 2,140,632 | 21.80% | 2,239,997 | 23.53% | 1,835,094 | 20.70% |
Two or More Races (2) | 1,488,068 | 14.86% | 438,713 | 4.47% | 469,781 | 4.94% | --- (2) | --- (2) |
(1) Since the 2000 Census, this category refers only to persons declaring one race and includes Hispanic or Latino. The 1990 Census offered no option to identify with more than one race.
(2) Two or More Races - This category, first offered in the 2000 Census, allowed the option to identify with more than one race. It was not an option in the 1990 Census.
See Notes regarding "One Race Alone," "Two or More Races," and "Hispanic or Latino" at end of this page.
Population | 2020 Census | 2010 Census | 2000 Census | 1990 Census | ||||
Population | Percent | Population | Percent | Population | Percent | Population | Percent | |
Total Not Hispanic or Latino (All Races) | 5,209,246 | 52.02% | 5,130,716 | 52.26% | 5,277,125 | 55.44% | 5,511,922 | 62.19% |
One Race Alone, not Hispanic or Latino | 4,896,193 | 48.89% | 4,935,795 | 50.27% | 5,277,125 | 55.44% | --- (1) | --- (1) |
American Indian & Alaskan Native, not Hispanic or Latino | 18,453 | 0.18% | 18,886 | 0.19% | 25,609 | 0.27% | 29,159 | 0.33% |
Asian, Not Hispanic or Latino (2) | 1,474,237 | 14.72% | 1,325,671 | 13.50% | 1,124,569 | 11.81% | --- (3) | --- (3) |
Black or African American, not Hispanic or Latino | 760,689 | 7.60% | 815,086 | 8.30% | 901,472 | 9.47% | 934,776 | 10.55% |
Population | 2020 Census | 2010 Census | 2000 Census | 1990 Census | ||||
Population | Percent | Population | Percent | Population | Percent | Population | Percent | |
Native Hawaiian & Other Pacific Islander, not Hispanic or Latino | 20,522 | 0.20% | 22,464 | 0.23% | 23,265 | 0.24% | --- (3) | --- (3) |
White, not Hispanic or Latino | 2,563,609 | 25.60% | 2,728,321 | 27.79% | 2,959,614 | 31.09% | 3,618,850 | 40.83% |
Some Other Race, not Hispanic or Latino | 58,683 | 0.59% | 25,367 | 0.26% | 19,935 | 0.21% | 21,327 | 0.24% |
Two or More Races, not Hispanic or Latino | 313,053 | 3.13% | 194,921 | 1.99% | 222,661 | 2.34% | --- (2) | --- (2) |
(1) Since the 2000 Census, this category refers only to persons declaring one race and includes Hispanic or Latino. The 1990 Census offered no option to identify with more than one race.
(2) Two or More Races - This category, first offered in the 2000 Census, allowed the option to identify with more than one race. It was not an option in the 1990 Census.
(3) Asian & Pacific Islander - Under the categories "Hispanic or Latino" and "Not Hispanic or Latino," the 1990 Census did not distinguish Asian persons from Pacific Islander persons, but, rather, combined their numbers. A total of 907,810 persons were reported to be Asian or Pacific Islander, not of Hispanic Origin.
See Notes regarding "One Race Alone," "Two or More Races," and "Hispanic or Latino" at end of this page.
Population | 2020 Census | 2010 Census | 2000 Census | 1990 Census | ||||
Population | Percent | Population | Percent | Population | Percent | Population | Percent | |
Hispanic or Latino (All Races) | 4,804,763 | 47.98% | 4,687,889 | 47.74% | 4,242,213 | 44.56% | 3,351,242 | 37.81% |
One Race Alone, Hispanic or Latino | 3,629,748 | 36.25% | 4,444,097 | 45.26% | 3,995,093 | 41.97% | --- (1) | --- (1) |
American Indian & Alaskan Native, Hispanic or Latino | 145,011 | 1.45% | 53,942 | 0.55% | 51,379 | 0.54% | 16,349 | 0.18% |
Asian, Hispanic or Latino (2) | 25,747 | 0.26% | 21,194 | 0.22% | 12,931 | 0.14% | --- (3) | --- (3) |
Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino | 33,675 | 0.34% | 41,788 | 0.43% | 29,485 | 0.31% | 58,198 | 0.66% |
Population | 2020 Census | 2010 Census | 2000 Census | 1990 Census | ||||
Population | Percent | Population | Percent | Population | Percent | Population | Percent | |
Native Hawaiian & Other Pacific Islander, Hispanic or Latino | 4,000 | 0.04% | 3,630 | 0.04% | 3,788 | 0.04% | --- (3) | --- (3) |
White, Hispanic or Latino | 695,818 | 6.95% | 2,208,278 | 22.49% | 1,677,448 | 17.62% | 1,416,253 | 15.98% |
Some Other Race, Hispanic or Latino | 2,725,497 | 27.22% | 2,115,265 | 21.54% | 2,220,062 | 23.32% | 1,813,767 | 20.46% |
Two or More Races, Hispanic or Latino | 1,175,015 | 11.73% | 243,792 | 2.48% | 247,120 | 2.60% | --- (2) | --- (2) |
(1) Since the 2000 Census, this category refers only to persons declaring one race and includes Hispanic or Latino. The 1990 Census offered no option to identify with more than one race.
(2) Two or More Races - This category, first offered in the 2000 Census, allowed the option to identify with more than one race. It was not an option in the 1990 Census.
(3) Asian & Pacific Islander - Under the categories "Hispanic or Latino" and "Not Hispanic or Latino," the 1990 Census did not distinguish Asian persons from Pacific Islander persons, but, rather, combined their numbers. A total of 907,810 persons were reported to be Asian or Pacific Islander, not of Hispanic Origin.
-- "Population of one race" refers to those who identified themselves to the Census as of one race only. "Population of two of more races" refers to those who identified themselves as of at least two races. "Total Population" is the combination of both.
-- "Hispanic or Latino" is not considered a "race" by the Census. Rather, it is a cultural/ethnic classification for an individual who will also identify with one or more races. Persons who identify themselves as "Hispanic or Latino" must also identify themselves with a race or combination of races (see following note.)
-- A large percentage persons identified as racially "White" also identified as "Hispanic or Latino," especially in earlier census counts. This has changed in more recent census counts, where some of Latin American heritage have instead begun identifying as "Some Other Race," "One or More Races," or "American Indian."
Source: U.S. Census Bureau