A woman mariachi singer in Dia de los Muertos face painting sings at a college campus performance. Los Angeles Almanac Photo.
The Hispanic/Latino population in Los Angeles County according to 2023 Census estimates. People of Hispanic/Latino origin are the county's largest ethnic/racial group in Los Angeles County, making up 48% of the population. Los Angeles County had the largest Hispanic/Latino population of any county in the United States, followed by Harris County, Texas, at 2.1 million and Miami-Dade County, Florida, at 1.9 million..
Projected Hispanic/Latino population for Los Angeles County, in 2060, according to the California Demographic Research Unit. This projection would drop the Hispanic/Latino population to about 42% of the county's population by that year.
Percent of Hispanic/Latino population in Los Angeles County of Mexican heritage, according to 2023 Census estimates. Another 9% were of Salvadoran heritage, 6% Guatemalan, 3% South American, and Honduran 1%. The remainder were of Puerto Rican, Cuban, Dominican, other Central American, or other Hispanic/Latino origin.
Number of cities, among Los Angeles County’s 88 incorporated cities, in which Hispanics/Latinos were the largest ethnic/racial group, according to 2023 Census estimates.
Father with children around a laptop. Photo by Kindel Media at Pexels.com.
Number of Los Angeles County residents, age 5 and older, who spoke Spanish at home. Spanish speakers made up 20% of Los Angeles County residents, age 5 and older, according to 2023 Census estimates. Of those who spoke Spanish at home, 86% spoke English "very well."
Family at a college graduation event in Los Angeles. Los Angeles Almanac Photo.
Percent of all students enrolled in Kindergarten through high school in Los Angeles County who were hispanic/Latino, according to 2023 Census estimates.
Percent of all students enrolled in college (both undergraduate and graduate) in Los Angeles County who were Hispanic/Latino, according to 2023 Census estimates.
Percent of Hispanics/Latinos in Los Angeles County, age 25 and older, who had a bachelor's degree or higher, as compared to 37% for all persons in the county, age 25 and older, according to 2023 Census estimates.
Median income of Hispanic/Latino households in Los Angeles County, as compared to $87,760 for all county households, according to 2023 Census estimates.
A Latina nurse at work. Photo from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Percent of Los Angeles County Labor Force, age 16 and older, who were Hispanic or Latino, according to 2023 Census estimates.
Percent of sworn Los Angeles Police Department officers who are Hispanic or Latino, according to LAPD personnel reports. This number is from the 33% in 2000 and 14% in 1983.
Percent of Los Angeles County's construction workers who were Hispanic/Latino.Hispanics/Latinos also made up 65% of childcare workers and 63% of food and restaurant workers. The county’s Hispanics/Latino population also makes up 45% of K-12 teachers, 44% of law enforcement officers and firefighters, 23% of librarians, curators, and archivists, 23% of engineers, 19% of scientists, 18% of registered nurses and physician assistants, 10% of lawyers, and 8% of healthcare professionals according to 2018 California Employment Development Department data.
A Mexican food business at Grand Central Market in Downtown Los Angeles. Los Angeles Almanac Photo.
Number of employer businesses with at least one Hispanic/Latino-owner in Los Angeles County, according to a 2022 Census Business Survey. These were 12% of all businesses with employees in the county. Los Angeles County had the second largest number of Hispanic/Latino-owned businesses among all U.S. counties, second only to Miami-Dade County, Florida.
Receipts from businesses with employees with at least one Hispanic/Latino-owner in Los Angeles County, according to a 2022 Census Business Survey. This made up 3% of receipts from all businesses with employees in the county.
"Wall of Heroes" honor local veterans in a retail store in Pico Rivera. Los Angeles Almanac photo.
Number of Hispanic/Latino veterans of the U.S. armed forces in Los Angeles County. They accounted for 27% of all veterans in the county, according to 2023 Census estimates.
Percent of Los Angeles County Hispanic/Latinos respondents to a Latino Community Foundation August 2024 survey who stated that they intended to vote for the Democrat presidential candidate. Another 23% intended to vote for the Republican candidate. The remaining 12% intended to vote for other candidates or were undecided.
U.S. Census Bureau;
California Dept. of Finance, Demographic Research Unit;
California Labor Market Information Division;
Pat Brown Institute for Public Affairs
Also see: Hispanic or Latino Ethnic Origin - Los Angeles County.