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Native Hawaiian & Other
Pacific Islander Ethnic Origin
Los Angeles County

Hawaiian Dancers

Hawaiian dancers performing. Photo by Skeeze via Pixabay.com.

Los Angeles County has the largest Samoan population outside of American Samoa and Hawaii, approximately one-fifth the size of American Samoa's total population. The county is also home to the largest population of Native Hawaiians outside of Hawaii and in Clark County, Nevada (location of Las Vegas).

2023, 2020 Census Estimates & 2010 Census

Also see:
-- Native Hawaiian & Other Pacific Islander Ethnic Origin by City and Community
-- Native Hawaiian & Other Pacific Islander Ethnic Origin - 2000 Census

Ethnic Origin 2023 Census Estimates* 2020 Census Estimates* 2010 Census
Population Percent Population Percent Population Percent
Total Native Hawaiian & Other Pacific Islander 21,691 100.00% 25,068 100.00% 55,631 100.00%
Polynesian 12,765 58.85% 16,467 65.69% 33,776 60.71%
Native Hawaiian 3,235 14.91% 4,509 17.99% 13,257 23.83%
Samoan 7,041 32.46% 8,605 34.33% 16,535 29.72%
Tongan 2,317 10.68% 3,005 11.99% 3,253 5.85%
Other Polynesian 172 0.79% 348 1.39% 731 1.31%
Ethnic Origin 2023 Census Estimates* 2020 Census Estimates* 2010 Census
Population Percent Population Percent Population Percent
Micronesian 3,580 16.50% 3,801 15.16% 6,424 11.55%
Chamorro (Guamanian or Chamorro, prior to 2022) 2,875 13.25% 3,289 13.12% 6,084 10.94%
Chuukese 14 0.06% --- --- --- ---
Guamanian 279 1.29% --- --- --- ---
Marshallese 5 0.02% 57 0.23% 27 0.05%
Other Micronesian 407 1.88% 455 1.82% 313 0.56%
Ethnic Origin 2023 Census Estimates* 2020 Census Estimates* 2010 Census
Population Percent Population Percent Population Percent
Melanesian 2,278 10.50% 1,976 7.88% 1,340 2.41%
Fijian 2,278 10.50% 1,976 7.88% 1,306 2.35%
Other Melanesian 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 34 0.06%
Other Pacific Islander, not specified 2,272 10.47% 2,346 9.36% 14,091 25.33%
Two or More Pacific Islander Groups 796 3.67% 478 1.91% --- ---

* Census American Community Survey estimate based upon data and surveys collected over the previous 5-year period.
† Percentage of total Native Hawaiian & Other Pacific Islander population in Los Angeles County.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau